2022 Art Highlights

Looking back on this past year, here are my 2022 art highlights:

  • The Eat Paint exhibition, "Where Art Works: Artist Communities and Creative Placemaking", I participated in and co-curated, continued through January and ended with a virtual artist talk on Zoom.

  • Moved to a new studio in the Ravenswood Industrial Corridor in March.

  • Sold 5 paintings, including my biggest cityscape painting, "420 on LSD (Lake Shore Drive)", and installed it in a South Loop condo.

  • Clark Street Cab wine (with my “Andersonville Water Tank" image) featured in the Andersonville Wine Walk for a second year in a row.

  • My cityscape and L train painting, “Empty on the Inside”, featured in the Cityscape Chicago group show at Palette & Chisel Gallery.

  • Created 9 new paintings.

  • Developed a new series of abstract paintings based on the architectural elements of the stairwell in my new studio building.

  • Took a multi-level figure drawing class at Lillstreet Art Center.

Click the images to view larger.


What my art looks like in interior spaces


Multi-level Figurative Drawing Class - Gesture Sketches